Anita, Maria and Nicola (2016)

We are very thankful to Magalie for the wonderful time together.
We met unexpectedly , "through a coincidence" but it was quickly clear to me that I would wish her to be beside us around the birth of our first baby.
Later on we spoke with Magalie many times , in full confort , in a totally positive and energy-boosting atmosphere, with all the possible explanations to all questions and issues , which could occur to us and even much more.
Both I and my husband were impressed by the preparatory course from Magalie. We had already attended a 2 days prenatal parental course , as well as couple of other prenatal consultations in some birthing facilities. However , when afterwards Magalie told us " the story" we realized how useless the ordinary courses and all the rest were. With magalie , in a couple of hours , we managed to learn all that we needed and with the sweet addition that it took a very short time to get it. You could easily see what the years of experience do with a professional who loves their job.
What I loved very much and still like telling to others about , is that Magalie told us about the signs of the birth start , one of which we did not hear ( or read) anywhere else. And see , when time came, if we hadn't had Magalie to tell us about it , we would not have known that the birth had just started. Amazing !
It was interesting to observe and to be impressed by the efficiency and effectiveness of her acupuncture before the birth of the baby. I loved the way how Magalie explained me its extremely logical impact and it was a wonderful experience to see how things work in reality. It allowed me to have some more rest in the night and diminished the stomach acid, which , having the baby's feet in my stomach all the time , had become a constant issue in the final weeks of my pregnancy. I would recommend to everyone in the last weeks of pregnancy to discuss with Magalie whether acupuncture could help them and what for. For me I know that I will do it also in my next pregnancies as it managed to surprise even me with its amazing positive effects.
Many times since the birth of our child with my husband we have been discussing that we do not know what we would have done after the birth if we didn't have Magalie by our side. She helped us so often , actively and with utmost care , tactfully ensuring that everything is and will be alright. The strat with breastfeeding was extremely painful. Magalie helped us there both physically , psychologically , with variety of amazing advices and care. I could not imagine having gone through without her. It was the same also with her advices regarding the care of the baby. We do not have grandparents living around so it was so important to have Magalie show us everything., to be able to call her around the clock for the smallest things , even send her photos of suspicious skin outlooks of the baby , to get an advice what we could quickly do about it.
Even now , 8 months after the birth of Anita , we are keeping in touch with her , with very gratitude and joy.
Thank you Magalie for being the way that you are. Thank you for all your support. Thank you for loving what you do and for bringing this love to the earth. We wish you many peaceful , healthy and joyful births !!
Liebe Grüsse
M. Antova